health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Francesca James

Francesca James – “Intuitive Life Coach and Energy Therapist” –

combines her powerful spiritual guidance, intuitive voice and healing

hands with fifteen years of sales and marketing as an award-winning

Account Executive, in the world of television advertising. As a result, she

is “mama, sister, other mother, friend” to a diverse following of individuals,

around the globe, whose lives are re-calibrated because they’ve been

tapped by Francesca. She assists them in remembering to remember their

unique “SoulPrint”, which the world is incomplete without.

Francesca is the founding director of I Am Woman, the Women’s Ministry

of Agape International Spiritual Center, spearheaded by Visionary

leader, Michael Bernard Beckwith. She has been a Licensed Spiritual

Counselor of Agape since 1991. Through retreats, private coaching,

boutique classes, special events and speaking engagements, Francesca

has one goal; spark a remembrance within others that their lives are not

created by hands, but by thoughts, inner beliefs, feelings and focused

awareness. Through the ministry and her book Resurrecting the Muse :

Woman’s Guide to Rising Above Societal Conditioning she awakens

women to their Soul Essence, mandatory in the world in which we live.


Wendy R. Wolf