health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Henri Rand Furgiuele M.A.

Henri learned Quantum-Touch from Richard Gordon and in 1999 was one of the first instructors he certified to teach Quantum-Touch.  She currently has an office in Honolulu, Hawaii, and frequently teaches online and in person worldwide, working primarily with students and clients from Japan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, and the U.S. mainland.  Henri has maintained a private practice in energy healing for 21 years, and has taught Quantum-Touch to over 7,000 students.  

For the past nine years, Henri has been working for Quantum-Touch Headquarters as the Chair of the Quantum-Touch Curriculum Department.  Henri and Curriculum Dept. colleague Miriam Hunter created and designed instructor and student manuals for all Quantum-Touch professional workshops (Level 1, Level 2, Supercharging, Manifesting Miracles, and Self Created Health). Henri and Miriam also developed the first Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor Mentoring Programs for Quantum-Touch, and were part of the team who created the Level 1 Instructor Training Program implemented in January 2018.

"I love how welcoming Quantum-Touch is.   Wherever you are in your healing journey, Quantum-Touch can provide balance, ease and relief.   It helps my heart to be more open, my mind to be more relaxed, and of course pain melts away.  Come try it.  You'll be amazed at how easily you can bring healing to yourself and to those you love."   Henri




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