health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Iveta Bartolovica

Iveta Bartoloviča a Health, Life, and Mindset Coach, founder of 5 Elements Coaching.

During the past 20+ years,  she has learned various Natural and Energy medicine techniques, Mindset, NLP, Vedic astrology, Reiki Master, Breathwork, Energy exercises, Tapping, Meditation, Meridians, Chakras, Lymphatic system, Herbs, Essential oils, and many other tools and techniques. 


She has combined these techniques and created her own method, based on 5 Keys to Unlock Your Health & Wellbeing. She worked in the corporate space for 24 years as a high-level Finance expert, but after being part of headcount reduction, dealing later with health issues, and healing myself, she decided to dedicate her life and work to helping others. She is currently working on a project for women in business who want to increase their energy and productivity and work on their health & wellbeing by implementing less time-consuming tips and tricks in their daily routine.


Wendy R. Wolf