health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Jaime Pallotolo

Jaime Pallotolo is a Healer and Energetic Mentor for coaches and service-based entrepreneurs. She helps her clients in expanding their energetic capacity to allow for a larger client load, raise their frequency to increase their rates & charge their worth, remove emotional blocks around visibility and protect their energy so they can continue doing the work they love, and be of highest service to their clients and themselves without burning out.

Throughout Jaime’s life she dwelt with her own health issues which led her to becoming a health coach.  While working with clients and those in her personal life she noticed she was taking on everyone’s ailments, issues and problems.  From Chronic Fatigue, Hormonal Imbalances, to gut issues which led her down a path of learning about her gifts and healing her own emotional body.  



As she started to learn more about energy, protection and creating boundaries life as she knew it started to fall apart.  She removed the friendships that were no longer serving her, quit her corporate job and divorced her abusive husband. Her identity was lost and she found herself in an isolated depression which led to her own trial of self-discovery.  It was when she started to work through these traumas and emotional aspects by implementing specific tools and techniques was she able to lose weight, remove her ailments, re-discover her true self and find her passion in helping others.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness