health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Jari Holland Buck

Jari Holland Buck is an Organizational Consultant and Performance Coach with more than 25 years experience in retail, wholesale, discount, high technology, manufacturing and service-related organizations. She began her career with Montgomery Ward at the age of 15 when she looked 12 and they thought she was 16. She spent 10 years with them in a variety of retail and personnel related positions while she worked her way through high school, college and graduate school.

In 1986, Jari began The Holland Group re-named MAJESTIC WOLF in 2001, an organizational consulting practice. Jari has been recognized in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs, Who's Who of American Women, Whos Who of the United States, Whos Who in America, Whos Who in Finance and Business, Whos Who of Business Executives and Who's Who of Emerging Leaders.

When she is not consulting or writing, you will find her working with plants and flowers, traveling or relaxing at home with her children - two cocker spaniels and a mutt found wandering near Powell Gardens. She has a certificate in Floral Design, owns Lynden Greens & Floral and tends to disappear over the holidays to create floral masterpieces.


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz