health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Jen Hutchinson

Jen brings her experience from corporate leadership as one of a handful of women in the financial C-Suite, from her women’s empowerment group facilitation work, and as the Founder of #Girlfaxx™—to empower your women, teens and professional audiences, to embrace the value of female leadership, at work and in the world.

It’s news feminists have been waiting for to create a more inclusive movement, what businesses need to know to lessen risk, increase profits and stay competitive, and, what women’s empowerment leaders and educators want when looking for a go-to empowerment tool for their audiences.

Jen is also the creator of the Feminist Wellness S.M.A.S.H. Workshops inspired by feminism being in the age of wellness, the proliferation of DIY self help tools It’s a NEW model of self care, combining activism + empowerment + wellness that offers a way to heal that women have not had access to, and that is along the lines of the APA’s new guidelines (published in 2019) for treating women and girls.

Before dedicating her work life to empowering women and girls, Jen worked her way up the corporate ladder to become the CFO of a $35 million dollar company before the age of 40. She received one of the first Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship from Pepperdine Graduate School, and one first prize in the culminating Fast Pitch competition for the first iteration of her girl power web platform, that she has now iterated into #Girlfaxx™, a feminist news media website that reports on the ‘xx phenomenon’ -or- the catalyzing effect of female leadership in business, governments, communities and economies.

In her personal life, Who has been a mentor for under-served teens in South Central Los Angeles for the past 10 years, she serves on the board of a local nonprofit, and is a proud aunt and great aunt who lives in Laguna Beach and San Diego, CA.


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