health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Jennah Lear

Jennah Lear is a CSU alumna with a passion for business and creativity. She owns Blue Loui Studio, located in Lakewood, OH. As a Branding Designer & Strategist, she works with purpose driven business owners to transform their brand and bring their big vision to life visually. This means playing bigger, consistency, and calling in ideal clients. It's a power move and it's magic. 


Jennah is fiercely devoted to empowering women and promoting confidence in all aspects of life and business. She knows it starts with believing in yourself; when you do that, magical things start to happen.


....I knew something was off; like an imbalance in the way I was spending my days in the marketing department at my last corp. position. I didn't know anything about law of attraction or energy back then, but I started taking action and looking into continuing education classes or full on getting a second degree for business. That didn't quite feel right either as I didn't pay off the first set of loans. But one day I was poking around on Design Sponge, a creative blog I follow, and I saw an ad for "boss school". I don't think I ever really dreamed of owning my own business; or I did and just didn't know. Either way, after reading through what this program was (a accelerator for women in entrepreneurship), I said yes and found the money to make this move. That was when my life did a 360...."



Katya Difani - Herban Wellness