health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

jennifer olwig

Beauty moves me. It inspires me to generously live and give from my Heart. For me, creative expression is the highest form of communication and connection there is. It's a link to Within. Everything I create is born from this space.

Inspiration guides my process from beginning to end - subject, style, and medium. I enjoy being in discovery.  I find that staying in this open space invites me to experience my work as a way of learning about myself and my soul’s journey in this life. 

It's a joy to witness  and feel the symphony of my whole self in any creative expression, whether it’s creating a commissioned painting, designing a sacred garden, facilitating soulful conversations with clients one-on-one, or bringing fresh energy and decor to a home. My focus is to draw a feeling of connection, beauty, and harmony out of the heart and into the physical surroundings, expanding the field of spirit.

Jennifer’s artwork speaks to the sacred space within, touching people from all walks of life. Her artwork can be found in private collections, from Oscar-nominated film and television network producers to healers, designers, and visionaries, and many souls who anchor their love and light in the world, shifting our collective consciousness towards Love.

Jennifer was selected to show at The Other Art Fair in both Los Angeles and Brooklyn in 2018 and is currently exhibiting with Tulsa gallery, Exhibit by Aberson.




AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz