health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Jim Bruton

Jim Bruton has led a life of childhood dreams. As a little boy, he fantasized about flying World War 1 aircraft, inventing science-fiction gadgets and traveling the world, filming animals and people along the way.

Today, he has an Emmy for his work National Geographic Television and he invented the satellite-videophone which disrupted how television news can be produced from remote and extreme places where live video was impossible before. He further refined his system to include uses in telemedicine, becoming a Guest Lecturer at Yale University School of Medicine, integrating biometrics destined for the International Space Station and then testing them two years in a row with climbers at Mt. Everest.  Jim's adventures have taken him to

all seven continents, the Titanic, the North Pole, Mt/ Everest and many warzones.

But his longing lasting desire since birth was to know God.

In his first book, The In Between, A Trip of a Lifetime, Jim shared the story of his Near-Death Experience, the plane crash leading up to it, and his changes in perspective that followed.

The response to that book led to this one, The Practice In Between, The Art of Letting Go. As people learned of Jim's experience on the other side and how it changed him, they asked how they could make changes in their own life.

The assumption of this book is that we already have everything we need to become happy, spiritual beings.

That is why instead of writing a book of how-to steps there is instead written the virtues of simply letting go.

Instead of chasing the next big thing, how to become it.

Jim was shown how to write this book in an Out of Body Experience, telling him the words would contain the 

information but the rivers of white that ran between them held the understanding. The words are the author's but the openness between them is you, the listener and the reader.

 The summary of the book can be stated like this: When you die, everything you think you are is left at the door. You are more. You are everything. And when you have asked all your questions, and when there is nothing

left to be gained, where all roads end, there God begins.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness