health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Joanne Bracken

Joanne Bracken is an intuitive consultant, healing channel, transformational life coach, spiritual teacher, and workshop leader with more than 25 years in practice. During childhood, Joanne was aware of the spiritual dimensions; her empathic, spiritual nature; and her desire and capacity for healing. Joanne has dedicated herself to the Divine Feminine and to being an instrument of Her love and compassion. In this regard, Joanne is devoted to helping others connect with Divinity and realize their highest potential as aspects of the Creator. Her work profoundly assists people in releasing patterns stored in the DNA that limit their ability to experience inner peace, joy, and acceptance.

After spending many years singing in musical theater, choirs, and operetta in her hometown of Baltimore, Maryland, Joanne started to develop her interest in healing. In the early 1980s, she began to study various forms of energy healing Reiki, The Body Mirror System, Ka Healing, Body Alignment Technique, Master Alignment, and more, as well as past-life therapy, hypnotherapy, sound healing, and channeling. By the mid-1990s, Joanne realized that there had to be a way to combine her love of singing, psychic and spiritual development, and healing, and doors began to open to develop her sound healing and intuitive abilities further.

While living in Boulder, CO, in the 1990s, Joanne worked extensively with sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman, while also singing with the Boulder Chorale and Boulder Chamber Chorale. She is a Reiki Master and Certified Ontological Coach through the Newfield Network, a worldwide company devoted to personal transformation work and ontological coach training. Joanne's passion is to bring together all the pieces of her healing and coaching toolbox to assist humanity to discover their own voice, find and release negativity and blocks to living a more spirit-directed life. Her healing work is a beautiful combination of sound/toning, intuitive information, channeling from Ascended Masters and Angelic Beings, lightweaving, and hands-on energy transmissions. She also leads group toning circles to assist in releasing blocks and raising vibrations of each participant in sacred space.

Joanne is known for the safe, respectful, uplifting, and sacred environments she creates when working with individuals and groups, as well as for her profound abilities to bring in very high frequencies of light for healing. Because of her clarity, focus, and love for what she is doing, she creates a space for her clients and workshop participants to gently release and transform negativity and move into deeper knowledge of themselves as Divinity in Form. Because of the frequencies that she brings through her voice when toning, she has been called "the human crystal bowl."

Sessions are available by phone, Skype, and in person. The client's desires and intentions are the guiding force behind the session, so each session is an unique as the person. Joanne can be reached at 410-323-4491 US East Coast and at


Wendy R. Wolf