health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Jonathan DeYoe

Jonathan DeYoe is a Lutheran Seminarian turned Buddhist Academic turned Financial Advisor. He has been investing for over 4 decades and helping others plan & invest for almost 3. He believes the dominant levers we can pull to improve outcomes for normal families are financial education and financial planning. He is a writer, podcaster, speaker and educator.

Jonathan wrote the best-seller Mindful Money: Simple Practices for reaching your Financial Goals and increasing your Happiness Dividend. He hosts both the Mindful Money Podcast and the Mindful Wealth podcast. He maintains digital financial education and virtual coaching programs for the 99%. Jonathan’s best work is done at the intersection between love and money.

His life was turned upside down in June 2021 by the death of his younger brother in a freak accident. With the impermanence of life abruptly in focus, he merged his 2-decade old firm into EP Wealth and pivoted his work towards creating greater impact for people who don’t already have $ millions.

Life is short. Success is fleeting. Significance, which derives from helping others, is the only immortality available to us.

Jonathan lives in Berkeley, CA with his wife of 18 years and 2 incredible kids. Prior to entering the financial services industry, he was a student of philosophy, comparative religion, and Buddhist Phenomenology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA.



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