health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Josephine Adeniyi

Josephine Adeniyi is the CE O of Eloquent Speech International, a training institute that focuses on Communication, Etiquette, Emotional Intelligence, Corporate Courtesies and Leadership..She is the Co founder of Young Public Speakers Club (YPS). She studied Mass communication from the University ,and Masters in Educational Leadership and Management in (view) She is passionate about training and making people become better speakers.


She has helped so many people both in the corporate world ,business, Students and children to become great speakers. Young Public Speakers ,a leadership club for children with focus on Communication ,Competence and Character has been absolutely amazing as it has transformed so many children.


She is the founder of Ma famille Show, a family program that focuses on family and Nation building. She was recently inspired by God to begin a Back to School project for children who can't afford Education. She teaches ESL remotely.


She is passionate about helping and making the life of people better. She is joyfully married to her soul mate and blessed with Children.


She is a Christ-centered and Inspiration driven person.


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz