health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Julianna Sauber

Julianna Sauber, ND, CECP - at 35 I felt 80, after years of pain and hormone imbalance, I found natural holistic modalities and subconscious emotional release to free myself from the discomforts that held me back physical, mentally and emotionally. It’s a thrill to help solve health mysteries for others and help them find their true self in the process - for a life of comfort, peace, joy and fun!


Julianna helps to guide people to own their healthy, body, mind a spirit.


To be free of the interferences to a healthy and vital life.


As a naturopath, reiki practitioner, certified emotion code practitioner, essential oil practitioner, sound and energy healer she guides you through the apprenticeship of your life. Seeing each and ever person, event and moment of your life as opportunities to learn and grow into your true self.


Be real, set boundaries and use language awareness to change your circumstances. Use energetic tools to free yourself of worry, fear doubt and false beliefs.


Heal your ancestral traumas to clear the path and be free of addictions and hurtful behaviors.


To bring magic and wonder back into life to see the beauty and offerings of every moment.


To infuse quantum healing and frequency into every life.


50 years into this life apprenticeship, 12 years into the intense and majestic shadow work of transformation and loving empowering and freeing women!


AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz