health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Karen McCall

Since 1998, the Financial Recovery Institute has been a pioneer in the field of financial recovery, training professional counselors in a holistic approach to money management that is truly transformational. This approach and proven system is the only financial program that enables people to understand where they are, how they got there, how to change their financial circumstances and maintain a healthy relationship with money for the rest of their lives.

Founded by Karen McCall, who developed the Financial Recovery process during her 20 years of private practice as a financial counselor, the Financial Recovery Institute teaches its counselors how to help clients identify, understand and eliminate self-defeating money patterns once and for all. It also provides specific money planning tools that empower people to create spending and savings plans that meet their unique needs and fully support their individual dreams and goals.

The mission of the Financial Recovery training program, which has been acknowledged and embraced by financial experts and mental health professions, is two-fold:

1. To provide professionals who are already working as financial advisors, counselors or therapists with the tools, training and support they need to transform their clients relationship with money in a profound and permanent way.

2. To provide anyone with a sincere desire to help people the opportunity to develop a lucrative career as a certified Financial Recovery counselor.

Our mission is to expand the community of professionals who can help people form new, healthy relationships to money, shed self-defeating money behaviors, and build financial lives that are stable and secure.


Dr. James Rosenwald