health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Kristi Borst

Kristi Borst spent about 30 years of her adult life pursuing her artistic and writing passions as a self-employed graphic artist and marketing maven. In early 2010, seemingly out of the blue, Kristi was internally led to start taking healing coursesfirst Reiki, then Quantum TouchTM, and EMG Electromagnetic Frequency Balancing TechniqueTM. Kristi was also initiated as a Oneness Blessing Giver by Oneness University trainers here in the US. Around this time, she noticed an ability to rapidly self heal.

In late 2012, after multiple psychic readings indicated she was a gifted healer, Kristi had a flashback to a miraculous healing from her very young childhood. Realizing she no longer needed the protective restrictions on "the gift" she had agreed to as a child, Kristi embraced her connection to Source and her ability to channel loving, healing energy. Shortly thereafter, Kristi was guided to offer healing support to others, and the miracles began in earnest. Energy classes and methodologies she had most-recently studied seemed rote and rigid, and she focused on the methodology and information she knew intuitively. Kristi calls her business Healing Resonance because she believes that the electromagnetic signature and energy she is offering assists her clients bodies in remembering and resetting to a more healthy resonance.

Kristi's intuitive healing gift via her connection to Source focuses on removing imbalances in the physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual bodies. She has been able to help people overcome not only physical pain and illness, but also emotional pain and trauma, as well as self-limiting beliefs. The energetic and perspective shifts that working with Kristi offers can be life-changing. She refers to her methodology as a Perspective Reboot&174;. She is also able to support others in releasing Karmic debts and ancestral burdens. Listen in and see your life in a whole new light.

Kristi offers private healing sessions both in-person in southern Maine and via Skype or telephone worldwide. In addition, she has combined her healing gift with her artistic gift. Kristi has created and is selling healing-infused high-frequency Energy In Form artwork which seems to have a very broad appeal.

Kristi is originally from RI and lives in southern Maine with her husband and life-partner of more than 37 years. They have two grown daughters.

DISCLAIMER: Kristi Borst is not a licensed physician, therapist or chiropractor. Healing Resonance LLC with Kristi Borst should never be used to solely diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. This energy work can compliment many forms of medical treatment or holistic care you may be receiving. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or on the web site do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome of an individual using Healing Resonance LLC with Kristi Borst. While spontaneous healings do occur, long-term imbalances may require multiple sessions to bring you back to long-term balance. You are a key component in your own healing and decide how many sessions youll have with Kristi.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network