health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Laura Eisenhower

Laura Eisenhower is a master astrologer and the great granddaughter to five-star general and 34th president Dwight D. Eisenhower. She has become a powerful force in the spiritual community featured on countless podcasts. Her compelling experiences include extreme wilderness training and extensive knowledge about our galactic history, the different timelines of humanity, and the window period in which we are ascending in the Great Awakening.


She is also a Mother, Speaker, Alchemist, Astrologer, Tarot, Wilderness, Exopolitics, Health & Healing, Artist, and author of Awakening the Truth Frequency (Into the Unified Field). ABOUT HER BOOK, Marisa Acocella, NY Times best selling author of The Big She-Bang, Cancer Vixen and Ann Tenna said about Laura:



“Global Alchemist Laura Eisenhower shows you how to transmute and override negative frequencies and ride the truth frequency to both your own ascension and the rise of New Earth”



AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz