health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

LeRoy Malouf

LeRoy Malouf is the developer and owner of Energetic Well Being™, the Energetic Well Being Process© (also known as EWBP©), and several workshops and home study programs including the Positive Power of Being Neutral© online course found on

EWBP© was created by LeRoy Malouf to unearth and remove root causes of acute and chronic symptoms and issues that interfere with day-to-day life…and to keep creating and supporting a meaningful life filled with joy, balance, and Energetic Well Being!
He is teaching participants to do this work in a Webinar Series that takes place over two back-to-back weekends and one Saturday three weeks later (all times are Eastern U.S. time):

September 21 & 22 10am-3:30pm Eastern US time (break included)
September 28 & 29 10am-3:30pm Eastern US time (break included)
October 19 (follow-up) 10am-12pm Eastern US time

 (more info is available on his Workshops page at

He is also the author of two books: "Knowing and Living Your Purpose” and "Awake, Refreshed and Energized”, which are both available in soft copy and ebook.

LeRoy’s mission is to enable and teach natural health, wellness, vitality, mindfulness, and presence for all ages. His goal is to help people learn how to get stronger and more fit in all ways: physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic, and spiritual. LeRoy strives to help himself and his clients make ongoing dramatic and positive differences in their lives and those of others, enabling them to keep discovering the path to their true Essence, Soul, Spirit, and Oneness with Source.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness