health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Lety (LetyM) Moreno

LetyM is passionate about motivation & speaking. She believes that for every action there is a reaction, and the power of changing the course of your life at any given time is within your reach hands. Through life lessons, working in the health care industry for over 16 years, and experiencing life both as an over comer and helping others overcome their critical situations, she is now dedicated to share the skills she has learned both by experience and observation of those who seem to be unable to connect the dots through her coaching programs, books, and speaking. Her mission in life is to share those skills and teach you how to live the life she believes everyone deserves, balance & success at a personal and professional level.

LetyM believe's that at any given time within ourselves exists the power to determine how our lives will impact ourselves and those around us. The ability to decide the course of your life regardless of your background is a choice made everyday that you wake up, take a breath, and decide to take a step.

She remembers as a child enjoying writing and observing people as they interacted. Her curiosity even then was one of understanding behavior and how to make life better for herself and those around her at a personal and professional level. She believed there was a better way of approaching the obstacles we each face as we travel through the years. The ability to conform to a negative standard was never an option. She wrote her vision of what she would become when she was 10years old. She envisioned herself successful and with the ability to teach the skills that brought her to that success to others. Her goal then was to develop a program where people would learn more about themselves and understand that success was within reach if only they had the passion to pursue it.

The ability to work in health care allowed her to further her skills with interaction, compassion, and purpose. She was always passionate about learning and teaching. It allowed her to further observe how we can become our biggest motivator or biggest obstacle in life. Life is not always fair, and we may encounter obstacles, situations and devastation at any given point and interaction. The best laid out plans can be detoured by illness, timing, loss, life itself. It is through those interactions and life experiences that LetyM learned there is always an option. The ability to become the best version of yourself, to reach success in all levels and areas of your life are within you. The opportunities in life will appear if you have the courage to pursue what you believe in. Life is willing to meet us half way if we only have the courage to walk and dare to take the next step.

A Message From LetyM
"Our lives begin at the cellular level. We are given one life, and as life transcends, we are exposed to environmental influences that shape our thinking and development. We cannot control or change what happens at an external level to influence our lives; however, each one of us has the power to change the reaction to a particular scenario and the courage to pursue our personal evolution. The key to becoming a better version of yourself thrives in the ability to recognize that regardless of your environment, the ultimate decision to transform your life is found within you, if you only have the courage to pursue it."

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness