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Guest Profile

Linda Martella-Whitsett

Winner of The 2011 Best Spiritual Author competition, Linda Martella-Whitsett is an inspiring, respected Unity minister and spiritual teacher. Linda’s message about our Divine Identity inspires people across cultures and faith traditions to meet life’s circumstances with spiritual maturity. Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett is Vice President of Unity Prayer and Practice at Unity World Headquarters, serving Unity's 24/7 prayer ministry Silent Unity. For fourteen years prior, Rev. Linda was senior minister at Unity Church of San Antonio. She formerly served Unity Church of Omaha in many leadership roles over seventeen years. Rev. Linda is a highly regarded role model in the Unity Movement, she has taught classes at Unity Village, as well as other Unity churches. She has mentored other Unity Ministers in Unity’s Field Licensing Ministerial Training Program. Linda’s books, How to Pray Without Talking to God: Moment by Moment, Choice by Choice and Divine Audacity: Dare to be the Light of the World, are available on


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network