health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Lisa Romary

My name is Lisa Romary. I live in Beaverton, OR and I am a Therapeutic Massage therapist. My goal for using Positive Changes Hypnosis was to reduce and eliminate pain and to reduce my medications.

Nine years ago I was in a car accident and 1 years after the accident, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The more I tried to work and continue a normal lifestyle, the worse and more debilitating my pain became. My pain and how to manage it became my main focus in life. It affected my ability to work and participate in all the outdoor activities I enjoy. I tried everything; Acupuncture, Chiropractics, Message, Yoga, Exercise and Meditation. Everything helped a little and for a short time but the constant pain was depressing and extremely stressful.

After much resistance from me and long discussions with my Doctor, I entered into a pain management program and began taking narcotic medications. At first the dosages were low, but as time went on, they were less affective and I found myself increasing my dosages. After nine years I had increased the dosage of my medications three times and was taking almost three times as much as when I started. I was ready to increase the dosage again because the pain was not under control with the current amount of medication and I decided I couldn't continue at that rate. Taking all of the medications had numerous physical side effects. The worse side effect was how much it was affecting my ability to think.

I decided to use Positive Changes after my husband had so much success. He lost 53 lbs in a very short time. I thought that if hypnosis could help him lose weight, maybe it could help me manage my pain.

I started noticing changes right away. I started sleeping better. I was drinking a lot more water and I noticed that I wasn't in constant pain. It was really easy, I just let it happen. Everyone was so supportive.

I am now completely off of my pain program and my pain medications. I am in a better mood and have even lost about eight pounds. My family and friends are really proud of my success. They can see all the positive changes that have happened since I have my pain under control. They have noticed that I am happier and I am able to participate in more activities without complaints and excuses.

I use hypnosis daily to help me manage my pain levels not only from the Fibromyalgia but the body aches and pains associated with the physical demands of doing deep tissue massage. I have been able to work more hours a week and maintain a low level of pain and discomfort.

Positive Changes has given me the tools to manage my pain myself without the drugs. It is so empowering to have control over my life again. I can only think that my future and my health will be so much better not being dependent on narcotic drugs. I would recommend this or any of Positive Changes' programs to anyone who wants to improve their overall health, whether it is to quit smoking, lose weight or reduce pain.


Dr. James Rosenwald