health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Luke Rossmo

Today, I live the life I want. I have a beautiful business, work with and coach incredible people, write, record and play music, have a beautiful son and a fulfilling relationship. We live exactly where we want to and travel where we want when we want. My business doesn’t run me; I have the time and space to do the things most important to me. I’m successful by the only measure that matters: mine.

My life wasn’t always like this.

Ten years ago there was hardly a moment I wasn’t high. I was broke with a dead-end job, no prospects and little education. Worse, I had no hope. I felt like a failure and proved my narrative true every chance I had. I had a deep longing for more of life but felt life had nothing more for me. I thought I was broken, that there was something wrong with me. I was chronically sad, often depressed, and incredibly anxious. The thought of doing anything, moving, starting a business, losing weight sent me into a spiral of defeatism and panic and so, I didn’t do anything.

What changed?

I did. I’ve replaced survival and stress with possibility, joy and connection. Not only am I living the life I want I feel amazing day in and out doing it.

Now, I help others step out of limitation into possibility. Releasing our limiting


Wendy R. Wolf