health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Martha Henry-MacDonald

Bridging heart, mind and science, Martha integrates her extensive skills in Manual, Visceral, Neuro-Meningeal, Cranio-Sacral, Physical Therapy, Subtle Energy Medicine, and Esoteric Psychology.Martha is a certified instructor, practitioner and teacher trainer of Esoteric Healing through the International Network for Energy Healing (INEH), as well as a coordinator for the international teachers group. She has taught physical therapy postgraduate courses and meditation workshops for many years, and leads a meditation circle at Harmony Center in Medfield, MA. 

As a healing facilitator, Martha supports clients on their path to well-being honoring their unique physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects as well as their innate healing ability. She has a private practice in Medfield, MA, where she offers personalized Manual Therapy and Esoteric Healing sessions.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness