health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Mary Beth Phillips

Being an advocate is a journey, not a destination. I always believed in miracles, but I became an advocate for miracles when my baby daughter survived an unspeakable act of violence and not only lived, but thrived. I trust in the way Gods miracles continue to move outward in ever-widening circles, touching shores we cannot imagine. I see how God continues to give us miracle signposts signs and wonders- that speak to us, His creation, pointing us toward Him. This book is absolutely part of my miracle journey. For me, writing is a way that I can express that softer spiritual side of me that my job and the challenges of raising children didnt always bring out. Writing this book with Joan and Katie is like being a part of an ongoing prayer. I think if we can inspire and help others appreciate how miracles speak to each one of us, then we have helped to create another small miracle ripple from the joining of our miracles. And the thought of all the miracles and their unfolding through time, wave upon wave, gives me hope. Miracles are gifts freely given and I want to say thank you and give something back.

Meb is an advocate for children and families. She was the mother of the groundbreaking California Trustline Registry, legislation that impacted childcare in California and the nation. She has been recognized for her contributions to quality child care, disability rights and education. Meb speaks regularly at conferences, on local and national television, including the Oprah Winfrey Show, and has been featured in national magazine articles. She lives in Walnut Creek, California.


Dr. James Rosenwald