health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Michel O'Hare

Hi there. I'm Michel O'Hare and I live in a small town outside of Asheville North Carolina called Black Mountain. I am a mother of 3 and I am married to my best friend.
Most of my life has been the experience of jumping from one traumatic experience to the next. 
Childhood sexual/physical abuse, rape, abusive marriage, meth addiction, almost violently killed twice, complex PTSD, raising children with mental illness, caring for my mother with cancer till she died, death of my father, multiple sclerosis, suicide of my first born.....
I've always wanted to help others with their pain but I honestly couldn't really know how to do that until I addressed my own wounds.
The suicide of my child was that catalyst for me to heal.
In those darkest moments, you can either choose to sink or learn to swim.
I chose to fly.
I was ready to do whatever I had to do to be free.
Now I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, and an IFS Practitioner. 
And I am blessed to be a guiding light for others to walk out of their darkness and into their light.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network