health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Missy Bystrom

Missy Bystrom is an Organizing Certification Trainer, Author, Speaker, and a leading Personal and Business Organizer in Orange County, California. For more than 25 years, Missy has been been putting things in order in homes and businesses, and training others to do so. She creates functional spaces as well as peacefulness and harmony both without one's environment, as well as 'within' calmness and order.

Missy has her own Licensing and Training Program encouraging entrepreneurship and new business growth. This program is unique in that it is the only of its kind to teach a holistic approach to the new business owner. She offers CDs, MP3s, and Training Manuals online. In addition she has a CD to be released on March 15, 2013 about de-cluttering all spaces, resulting a calm and peaceful life.

Missy has also authored two books: Organ-ZEN-ation- Intentionally creating balance and order in your Main Living Space and De-Clutter your SPACE, Sell your STUFF,
Organize your SELF


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness