health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Monica Bodirsky

Monica Bodirsky is an author and illustrator is passionate about empowering people. She is the author and artist of the House of Shadows Lenormand Oracle and the Shadowland Tarot deck and book. Identifying as a walker between the worlds, she offers advice and practices the familial folk magic of her Scandinavian, Northern, and Eastern European heritage. Mentoring a circle of people in the witching arts since 2010, she is also the founder and program director of the Annual WITCHFest North month-long arts and culture festival in Toronto as well as C.A.T.S, the Coffee and Tarot Society. She has been a professional artist tarot advisor and instructor since 1991, offers international art residencies, and is sessional faculty at OCAD University in Toronto. You can read about her latest work by visiting her site and follow her on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter.


Wendy R. Wolf