health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Nancy Myers

 Nancy Myers is an orb medium, author, podcast host (The Spheres of Spirit), Reiki Master, Oracle Card Reader and Channel. Nancy lost her son unexpectedly in 2010. Since then, with his help from the other side she has become an 'orb medium’. Her unique gift of orb photography includes capturing orbs that contain the faces of our loved ones (pets too) who are in spirit. She is the author of “Entering the Light Fantastic: Discovering Life After Life Through Orbs” and "Encircled by the Light Fantastic: A Deeper Journey into the Light with Orbs". Nancy’s purpose as an Orb Medium, and in telling her story through her books and sharing her orb photographs on her website is to bring comfort to those in the grip of grief and to awaken others to their own spiritual journeys as well.


Wendy R. Wolf