health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Nancy Tossell

With a degree in Medical Technology, Nancy started a 21-year career in hospital labs and moved into sales with a medical diagnostic company. Born in Philadelphia, she moved to Boston for a few years before finding her “true home” in Arizona. At 37, she met her husband and recently they celebrated 31 years of marriage. Both have never lost the ‘itch’ to travel and together they have visited every continent except Antarctica.



Marriage also meant having a reason to stay closer to home. So she ‘retired’ early from the medical field and sampled occupations that varied from real estate to selling natural cacao goodies. She finally settled on Copywriting and co-authored a book with Jeanette Knudsen about Aging in Place. Now her specialty is helping people tell their stories. Current projects include a book with a woman who raised a son with Autism and a weekly blog by an Avon representative who emphasizes the importance of both inner and outer beauty.


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