health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Prof Johanna Sophia

Prof. Johanna Sophia, CEO of Johanna’s Raw Foods PBC, is a Super Happy Body Coach, an expert in natural sustainability, author of books and articles, international educator, consultant, and speaker. Her career in academia is extensive having taught at Columbia and Yale universities as well as many Waldorf schools on three continents. An award winning filmmaker, she had careers as singer, actor, writer, and director in film and television, as founder of her own drama school, Stage Studio, in Africa, as professor of Film and Communication, as lecturer of languages and teaching methodology, and as language expert for corporate America. She most loves her career as successful mother of confident, healthy children and founded Johanna’s Raw Foods PBC together with her then teenage kids. JRF Coaching includes Your Super Happy Body, Fitness over Fifty, and other certificate programs. Johanna has a broad knowledge of global affairs, science, and Earth-compatible technologies. She advises governments and corporations, creates new educational curricula, and teaches clients how to self-heal naturally. She lives in upstate New York.


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