health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Rachel Claire Farnsworth

Rachel Claire Farnsworth is a Transformational Life Changer who works

with clients to release trauma to overcome both physical and mental

health issues which are affecting their lives. She specialises in helping

people with anxiety, chronic pain and autoimmune conditions, using

advanced hypnotherapy methods to work with the subconscious mind and

get to the root of the problem.


Rachel takes clients back to the moments where the issues began so that

they can be understood, reviewed and released. Regressing to the root

cause is very powerful and effective as is discovering how, when and why

these issues began so that they can be overcome and released.


Rachel also uses Silent Counselling – a method which allows

people to work through emotional pain without having to relive the

pain and talk about it by working with acupuncture pressure points

to release emotions. It has been described as EFT (tapping) on

steroids! She is a Soul Speak Practitioner, Reiki Master and best-

selling co-author.


Before training in hypnotherapy, Rachel was a self-confessed

sceptic who had a series of ordinary conventional jobs, including

working in a bank and at a builder’s merchant. Her daughter Emily

was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis when she was just

18 months old and spent her childhood in and out of hospital,

relying on strong medication to control the pain and reduce



Rachel had trained in advanced hypnotherapy and decided to try a

session with her daughter, who was then 14, in October 2018.

Despite Emily being in the middle of a flare-up with her

autoimmune disease, the swelling in her knees disappeared after

just one session and she has been pain, symptom and medication-

free ever since.

Rachel’s experience helping her daughter inspired her to use her

methods to help others. At the age of 50, she quit her job and

began practicing full-time, just days before the UK went into

lockdown in March 2020. Instead of giving up, she began working

with clients online and she now helps people all over the world.

Rachel has regularly featured on Sky TV’s Empowering Women



Rachel is a co-author of two books ‘The Power Of Reinvention’ and

‘Treasure’. She is currently working on her own book ‘Decoding The

Body’s Messages – The body is the link between the subconscious

and conscious mind’


Wendy R. Wolf