health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Ron Berger

Ron Berger is responsible for leading EL Education's vision of teaching and learning, bringing with him 40 years of experience as a teacher and professional development designer and Harvard professor, 28 of those years teaching public school. Part of EL Education since our founding, Ron has authored two books: An Ethic of Excellence and A Culture of Quality, co-authored three more: Leaders of Their Own Learning, Transformational Literacy, and Management in the Active Classroom, and has ensured that quality and craftsmanship are reflected not only in the work that we encourage from students and teachers, but in our work as an organization as well. He is a sought-after keynote speaker nationally and internationally. A graduate of Hampshire College, Ron holds a master's of education from Harvard University, where he now teaches a course that uses exemplary student project work to illuminate academic standards


Wendy R. Wolf