health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Roxana Ghiba

Hi, my name is Roxana and I am a coach for people who want to heal emotionally, find purpose and go to the next level in their lives. My self development journey began approximately seven years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter and I started reading books on birth, parenting, psychology, and so on. I left a PhD programme five years ago in order to do something I like. I started really looking at myself, I started doing a lot of inner work and healing, and I noticed that as I was changing for the better, the people around me started changing as well. In the meantime, I became certified as a Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Coaching. I also practice the Tao-Tantric Arts and conscious parenting (well, as much as possible!). As a coach, I have been working for more than four years now with both men and women and I love holding space for transformation. I currently live in Romania with my husband and our six year old daughter.


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