health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Ruby Bedi

Ruby Bedi is a powerful Spiritual Thought Leader, a Modern Mystic and Clairsentient. Born in India to a Hindu mother and Sikh father, Ruby Bedi attended a Catholic School while being raised by a Buddhist nanny. These multi-religious experiences served her Soul Purpose to the fullest. After spending her childhood under the tutelage of India’s great spiritual teachers, Ruby came to Canada as a young adult where a shattering spiritual breakthrough in 1992 transformed her from an Indian socialite to a successful entrepreneur and self-realized master with one single goal to awaken human beings to their fullest potential. This breakthrough instantly connected her to a different dimension and several enlightened and divine beings; she began integrating their collective wisdom and used her phenomenal abilities to guide others. Born clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, she set up her ‘mind lab’, where she integrated her energy, time, and space to come into complete awareness and self- realization.

To integrate her life’s work and purpose, she co-founded lnlighten Global, a non-profit spiritual organization aimed at alleviating the hurt and suffering we are burdened with today. Through workshops, active meditations, mass healing events and crowd- dialogues she has spread her simple and radical techniques with utmost clarity, simplicity, humor and deep love. Her thought provoking strategies are eye opening and a bolt of lightning that offer immediate quantum speed transformation and a new way of connecting to ourselves and our environment.


Tonya Winders - Allergy & Asthma Network