health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Ruth Wilson

I help clients find practical magic. You learn to use energy to create what you want, and take manageable action steps you can integrate.

I have a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and have been bronze certified in the Sandler Sales System, as well as having a Paul McKenna hypnotherapist certification through Mind Valley, and coach certification through the University of NLP. I put these together for practical magic; easy steps for creating a life you love.

In organizational roles, I am regularly asked for my gut feel and I have brought intuitive wisdom into all of my work, including training sales staff to read the room. As an intuitive personality type (Myers Briggs INFJ) it is second nature for me to seek hidden information and make intuitive connections. I didn't always appreciate this. As a child, I was dismissed as "imaginative."

I studied and taught intuitive perception online for several years for the Academy of Clairvoyance and Consciousness in Seaside California. This experience taught me to convey information in a way you can "see" I provide guided meditations to create peak performance, intuition training, and mindfulness practice.

My hypnosis sessions have supported increased abundance, cleared blocks to procrastination, eased fears and eliminated phobias, and most of all, helped clients find their inner superpowers, access their best resources, build confidence, and create strategies for high performance. Hypnosis is wonderful for bringing forth what's in the unconscious, creating freedom, and developing authentic power.



Clearing Your Energy

Your Next Creation

    Dr. James Rosenwald