health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Sandra Rodman

Right Brain Aerobics - Click Here.

Sandra H. Rodman is the CEO of Parallel Universe Programs for Transformation, advanced consciousness practices and creativity studies She is creator of the new Right Brain AerobicsTM Training: The Coming Age of the Right Brain activating the other 90% of the brain -- and "Star Talk: Preparing for Extraterrestrial Communication & Expanding Human Consciousness." She is the author of The Gift: A Sensual Journey into Personal Alchemy by Diana Rose, a pseudonym, and was a featured as Radio Host for The Gift radio series; she also is a playwright/composer launching new science fiction musicals, Cosmic Cowboys and Parallel Universe.
Branching out into rapid, serendipitous creation of atypical human transformational programs under the Parallel Universe umbrella, Sandra Rodman was formerly Senior Director, AT&T Wireless, Vice President, Merrill Lynch, an executive at innovative milieu therapy non-profit corporations, and a Strategic Learning Systems Trainer. With decades in management of corporate technology communications and innovation, simultaneously involved in creative arts and meditation/metaphysics, her specialties have included right brain business building/creativity, transforming corporate environments, right brain executive coaching, curriculum/training design for accelerating mental/consciousness development---and thinking WAY outside the box. Her favorite commentary from a colleague, formerly a CTO and a professor of physics: Out of the box thinking? The lady has no box

Member, Foresight Nanotechnology Institute and the Parapsychology Foundation, with certifications in Reconnective Energy Healing, Sound Healing the Sound Healing Foundation/Acoustic Brain Research, Theta Healing; Tibetan Buddhist meditation studies, NYC; dramatic arts and psychology studies, University of Texas, Austin. She is a resident of Whidbey Island, Washington and was raised in west Texas by an amateur astronomer with a small observatory in the backyard.


Dr. James Rosenwald