health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Shelley Michael

Shelley's personal story is full of success and failures and there were times when she wanted to give up but she is just a tad to stubborn to do that. The fire in her couldn't be put out even with the challenges she faced (and a couple were doozies) seemed overwhelming! She realized those events were powerful lessons and she had the power inside her all along to rise above the struggles stronger and wiser with the passion to still follow that voice inside that said got this!

Shelley became an accidental entrepreneur at a very young age. Landing a job in the banking industry at the age of 22 she quickly determined that corporate life was not the life for her and she embarked on a venture into the restaurant business opening 3 successful Greek/Italian restaurants. After selling those and not wanting to go back to a corporate job she became a licensed Real Estate Broker and went into business brokerage and then Voila´..the market crashed, so she rallied and decided to enroll in life coaching school to became a certified wellness/life coach and found herself having the time of her life.

Shelley currently practices Real Estate in Seattle, WA as well as works with the amazing Dr. Pat Show finding fabulous on-air talent for our new network (if you have a show idea she would love to speak with you). She also owns her own business in organic skin care helping others find their way to their dreams, whether it is a brick and mortar business or in her favorite genre; personal growth and organic living and business. In particular, Neal's Yard Remedies Organic Skin Care offers Shelley (and anyone with a dream of owning their own business) the ability to do all these things!

Nothing makes her heart happier than seeing the success of someone she has assisted in their journey towards their dreams.


Dr. James Rosenwald