health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Sherry Butler

Sherry Butler, publicist for the upcoming 4th Annual Finding the Gift in Shift Conference held in Sedona, AZ Jan. 15 -17. The event features best-selling authors Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza. The topic of this years event is Being The Gift in Shift; actually embodying the changes we choose to see on the planet and in ourselves. Being on the earth at this time is not for the feint of heart. However, the biggest, most difficult obstacles are those which give us the opportunity for the most profound transformations. We are headed to times of unheralded peace and prosperity. If that means taking responsibility for your actions and creating a new paradigm, are you willing to do it?

Sherry Butler is CEO and Owner of Sherry L. Butler Communications, a Public Relations firm she founded in 1994 which focuses on media relations, community relations and special event promotions. One client is Stellar Productions Live, a professional event/meeting planning and management company. Stellar produces conferences and trips hosting recognized authors, spiritual teachers, renowned leaders and speakers.

In the last sixteen years, Sherry L. Butler Communications has provided media relations for clients in various industries such as retail, healthcare, entertainment, sports and recreation, cultural diversity and corporate. Also, in select markets, media relations and event promotions for best-selling authors Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Louise Hay, Naomi Judd, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Maya Angelou, Joan Borysenko, Ph.d. and more.

Sherrys enthusiasm, energy and passion make her a strong publicist and her teams dedication to clients makes the level of commitment her firm brings to every campaign extraordinary.

Sherry resides in Phoenix, AZ with her furry kids, Rumi a Shih-Tzu and cats, Sasha and Sema. Her passions are personal development, natural health and pet rescue. You can contact her at or Twitter sherrybutlerpr or visit her website


Dr. James Rosenwald