health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Steve & Evan Strong

Forgotten Origin: (The Out of Australia Theory)


Steve & Evan Strong share understandings through archeology, Culture and Prophecy - related to Australia’s rich ancient past.  With a view to learning how that may be applied now and in the future.

The subject matter of their sharing sometimes contains culturally sensitive topics related to Original history so they operate under the doctrine of Wirritjin - Black Fella, White Fella Dreaming: In remembrance of Karno Walker, spokesperson for the Ramindjeri.


Australia has been visited in the past by the Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese and perhaps others.

“We are trying to change the worldview of Australian (Ab)Original people and culture positively and help to show their effect upon human development and civilisation.”


Their Alien Ancestry Conferences:  


After several sold-out events in Australia, they are bringing these events to the world as a sequentially themed, live and online conference. Join them in the alien influences of our past and present - and how this world will shift in the future.

Steven Strong:

is a secondary school teacher with a background in Archaeology and Education. He was involved in the formation of a Graduate Diploma of Aboriginal Education for the N.S.W. Department of Education, writing units on Traditional Law and Contemporary History. He also co-authored the highly successful “Aboriginal Australia: A Language and Cultural kit”.

Evan Strong:

has a background in Anthropology & Indigenous Cultural Studies, Counselling & Mediation with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences and Graduate Studies in Psychology. Evan has worked as a researcher for the Northern Rivers Area Health Service, a Social Worker, Teachers Aide, and a Funeral Director.

They have spent many years learning, living and/or working with the Bundjalung Language Confederation (Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales), Ramindjeri (South Australia) and Gumilaroi peoples (Northern New South Wales). They operate under the doctrine of Wirritjin (Black Fella, White Fella Dreaming): In remembrance of Karno W…., spokesperson for the Ramindjeri. They work with a diverse informal network of Independent Researchers, Original Custodians/Elders, Patrons/Supporters and Friends.

Steven and Evan Strong are based near Byron Bay in Northern NSW, Australia. 


Dr. James Rosenwald