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Guest Profile

Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs

Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs is an organizer. She is one of the women who spearheaded the organization of Women’s March On Washington on January 21st, 2017, helping organize the largest demonstration in response to an election in U.S. history. She is the Youth Director at Women's March. Tabitha has led and been an adult ally to several youth initiatives through her work with Youth EMPOWER, the youth arm of Women's March. She supported the 15 members of the Youth EMPOWER team in leading the Enough! National School Walkouts that saw 1.6 million students walk out of schools demanding sensible gun relations.


Tabitha coordinated the Youth Ambassador program which saw 31 young people from across the country recognized for their outstanding activist work. Tabitha consulted with Penguin on the kids book, Little Activists, released in Fall 2017. Together with 24 other Women's March organizers, Tabitha was recognized as one of Glamour Magazine’s 2017 Women of the Year. She has been featured in the book, 200 Women Who Will Change The Way You See The World.


Wendy R. Wolf