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Guest Profile

Tina M. Games

Tina M. Games is the author of Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother's Path to Self-Discovery an interactive book with an accompanying deck of 54 journaling prompt cards. As a certified creativity and life purpose coach, she is the "Moonlight Muse" for women who want to tap into the "full moon within" and claim their authentic self, both personally and professionally.

Through her signature coaching program, based on the phases of the moon, Tina gently guides women from darkness to light as they create an authentic vision filled with purpose, passion and creative expression.

Also certified as a journaling workshop facilitator, Tina leads virtual and in person workshops for others who want to explore their passion for journal writing, while expanding their personal support systems. She does this through her own online network, the "Journaling Moms Caf."

Tina serves on the Journal Council for the International Association for Journal Writing where she is joined by 30 other journaling experts worldwide. They offer a variety of articles, resources, webinars, and tele-classes on journal writing to association members.

In addition to her work as a life and business coach, Tina volunteers her time as an advocate on issues of importance to women on a local, state and national level. She speaks to groups and organizations on the importance of creating support systems and how to journal your way to a more authentic life.

Tina lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her husband and their two children. Tina has always had a fascination with the moon. After studying the phases of the moon in astronomy classes and the astrological impact it can have on personal transformation, she began to explore the spiritual connections that the moon has brought to many cultures over thousands of years. No matter where we are in the world, we can see the moon. Its something that we all have in common.

The moon has brought great comfort to her life, particularly during a time when she felt a loss of personal identity. This was during her first two years of becoming a mother a time of joy, but a time of anxiety, depression and confusion. She was a mother, but who was she really? She took many walks during that time, gazing at the moon and trying to make sense of who she was and what purpose her life served.

Taking the knowledge she had of the moon and its place in spiritual transformation, she combined it with her training as a life purpose coach and a journaling workshop facilitator. Together, this combination created a path of self-discovery for her a path that she wants to share with the many mothers who feel a loss of personal identity.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness