health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Tonya Vandenwollenberg

If you are at all like I was a few years ago, you are missing something in your life. You are online researching articles and videos on how you can improve your life. You feel you should be further along by now. You feel like you’ve failed. You’ve been working so hard to be supermom but you are stressed out, exhausted and never have time for yourself. Your lonely and want love in your life. You feel like your time is running out and you generally feel lost.


Or maybe you seemingly have a great life on the outside but feel like you deserve an Oscar for the performance you give everyday. I’m here to say that your time is NOW! It is not to late! That love you’ve been telling yourself is not going to happen is looking for you. That career, new business, new beginning, new life is just within your reach! You are a goddesses in the making.


You have unbelievable resilience! Look at everything you’ve endured and accomplished? You’re still standing, you’re a survivor! Everything you desire is within your reach if you are willing to stop accepting mediocracy and invest in your growth! Open your heart and mind and stop doing the same thing hoping for different results. Three years ago, I pulled myself off of the ledge of divorce, diabetes, being overweight (lost 50 lbs), quit smoking after 20 years, stopped being exhausted, feeling hopeless and survived several deaths in my family, including my fathers’.


I did this all because I connected to my Feminine Energy! I decided to change my life for ME! My name is Tonya Vandenwollenberg and I’m your Feminine Energy Coach! I had finally made up my mind that I deserved more, I was more! Connecting to my Feminine Energy completely awakened my mindset, heart and life! I quit my job of being a Makeup Artist for 14 years and decided to devote my life to doing what I had done for close to 2 decades, Empower Women to discover their magnificence! My life’s calling is to guide you to Reclaiming your Femininity!


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness