health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Totlyn Oliver

Totlyn Oliver is an award-winning speaker, executive communications coach and author with an eclectic professional background in broadcasting, training facilitation in coaching.  


Totlyn is the founder of GOLDSPEAK WOMEN & the GOLDSPEAK METHOD


She saw the need for a brand of seminar to enrich women and others in an intimate, real way, effecting changes, with speakers sharing real life experience of challenges & triumphs.


A popular media personality within her native Jamaica & international community, Totlyn GOLDSPEAK WOMEN believes that having a voice is the best vehicle to healing our communities by providing individuals with the confidence & skills to tell their stories, no matter what --- to speak their truth in any real-life situation.


She is passionate about individuals overcoming any fears to public speaking hence she developed the GOLDSPEAK METHOD .


Passionate about coaching & facilitation, she holds a Master’s in Education in Life-Long Learning (Adult Education), Mt St Vincent Univ (Canada), a Bachelors (Hon) in Social Sciences & Literature, with a post-graduate Diploma in Mass Communication.


Find her published books SPEAK TO WIN & JAMAICA 101 on AMAZON. 


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness