health and wellness radio

Guest Profile

Trish Regan and Doug Hackett

TRISH AND DOUG have been married in spiritual partnership since 1992. They founded DolphinSpirit of Hawaii in 1994 when they experienced a dramatic spiritual calling to "jump off the cliff," leave their professional lives behind and come to Hawaii to work with the wild dolphins. Since that time, they have conducted bi-monthly transformative dolphin-swim retreats in Kona. They also facilitate whale swim retreats in the magical waters of Tonga.

Trish, Visionary Writer and Intuitive Soul Reader, is author of the book series Essential Joy: Finding It, Keeping It, Sharing It. She is an Intuit who has channeled many Beings of Light for over twenty seven years and offers Into the Light Soul Readings. Doug's balanced
masculine/feminine energies and spiritual insight, enhanced by over twenty three years' study and practice of meditation, helps create the magical environment for these life changing retreats and seminars.

They have traveled internationally, bringing workshops such as Essential Joy, Sacred Partnership, Dolphin Essence Experience, Empowering Magnificence and Be the Vision to many seekers of Light.


Katya Difani - Herban Wellness