health and wellness radio

Guest Profile


As with many, Zalah’s life had come to a point where life begged transformation to regain sanity and make sense of the world. His quest for a new path led him to get free of everything that had come to define him, including being a shareholder in the largest investment firm in Canada and actualizing the dream of a successful career in finance. He’d had been selling his soul, for the corporate goal. It appeared Zalah had the "perfect life.” Inside, he was confused, miserable and wondering "what is life really all about? Many of us have had to lose ourselves, to find ourselves. Zalah decided to go deep within spiritually. He found a real live Master in another country and proceeded to study under him for seven years. He subsequently, returned to the city only to face the task of growing through huge challenges. He learned, when the truth sets you free, life starts to really happen “for you” instead of “to you.” Zalah, currently teaches at The Centre for Transformation™ (The CFT™) in Calgary, Canada. His new book is “The Big Three ...Three ways your Divine is trying to get your attention and how to get back into the flow.”


Wendy R. Wolf