health and wellness radio

Host Profile

Dr. Jenn Royster

Thursdays at 8 am PT  11  am  ET
The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour that explores the spiritual approach to life's challenges as your host Intuitive Counselor Jenn Royster takes you on a journey through the metaphysical world. Listen to guided healing meditations, intuitive reads with callers, and the benefits of connecting to Spirit, the Angels, and your Higher Self. Jenn is passionate about helping others find the answers they are looking for by turning inward, tapping into their own natural style of connection, and trusting their intuition.

Learn more about energy healing and how it can help you. ... Read more

Thursdays at 8 am PT  11  am  ET
The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour that explores the spiritual approach to life's challenges as your host Intuitive Counselor Jenn Royster takes you on a journey through the metaphysical world. Listen to guided healing meditations, intuitive reads with callers, and the benefits of connecting to Spirit, the Angels, and your Higher Self. Jenn is passionate about helping others find the answers they are looking for by turning inward, tapping into their own natural style of connection, and trusting their intuition.

Learn more about energy healing and how it can help you. Jenn has always seen energy healing as the ultimate advancement in healthcare and that there is hope for the future of humanity through choice. She believes it can help everyone with some aspect of their lives, whether it's emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature. She has seen through experience that energy healing is True Healing.

Dr. Jenn Royster, D. DIV., M.S., is an internationally known Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher and Energy Healer, known for her innovative style in Intuitive Reads, Energy Healing, Spiritual Crisis Support and Guidance, Akashic Record Reads, Soul Retrieval and Support for Empaths.

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  • I just wanted to say to you, I applaud and thank you! I've been really diving into the whole metaphysics world and I've been truely drawn to your show and I've learned a lot with you. I feel like I have that same passion that you have, about angels and metaphysics and you have a gift.....which I obviously love, and your topics definitely resonate with me. You are a blessing. Thank You

  • Dear Jenn, I just heard your radio show today about soul retrieval and you said you would like some feedback. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart with your help. I have listened to your show since 2010 and I resonate a lot with your energy work. I am very sensitive and an empath and you have helped me very well on the way since my spiritual awakening in 2010. At that time my husband and I had serious problems in our relationship and nearly split up despite of two lovely girls. That was when I think my angels led me to your radio show and I think there is not a show I did not hear. I was on your show some years ago and you felt that I had a lot of fear and since then I have worked a lot with Archangel Michael and a lot of the other Archangels and I have a gotten very close to my guardian angels. I work as a cardiologist and use the energy as good as possible when seeing the very sick people – I also feel the souls of the patients who’s life we cannot save in fx. the emergency room. I think it is a gift from you and from heaven and I want to thank you for that :0) I hope to meet you one day in person. – Love from Marie
    - Marie

  • I just wanted to drop you a note regarding one of the readings you gave me in your radio show. Since that time, I have stopped hesitating and begun appreciating and accepting the intuitive side of myself. It feels so much better to release the loving guidance and feelings I receive than to hold it in because of fear and lack of confidence. The clients walk away much more lifted than ever before. The other day I had the most amazing experience during a Reiki session. Because of my change in attitude, the flow was more than I had ever experienced before and it left me in a complete state of awe. At the end of the session, I gave thanks to not only the Angels and Guides that were present…but the people who assisted me in this journey. Your beautiful face was one of the first things I saw in my mind’s eye. Thank you, Jenn. - With love and light, Maria
    -Maria F.

  • How do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume? It isn’t easy but I’ll try." As I listened to my angel reading, I heard this song play in my head, from the movie, “To sir, with love.” I just love that song!I feel as though my readings with you are like meeting up with an old, long lost friend. I never know what to expect, but that is a good thing, because what you relay from the angels is uplifting, breakthrough information that fits so neatly in my journey for wholeness. I feel so much comfort and peace with every reading. Thank you so much. Everything you have said was so right on. I could go on and on about the clarity and concise answers you brought today. The “silver” metal was exactly what I was hoping for too, I was leaning that way but still needed confirmation. Now I feel I can confidently move forward with my dreams! I feel a very strong connection to you even when I don’t have an Angel Reading. I like the style of your teaching, which really resonates with my understanding. - with Love always, Juanita

  • Dear Jenn, Thank you for a very nice radio show. I always listen to the rebroadcast and listened to the one with Dec messages from Archangel Michael. I resonate very much with the messages. For such a long time it has been struggle because of stressfull work with long hours, not enough time with my husband and my two girls and generally a fealing of being lonely. I have had a lot of fear about the future and I’ve prayed a lot to God and asked the Angels for help. Archangel Michael has been a steady support and there was so much synchronicity in your show and what I have received somehow. I was asked to show my true self, to have fun and to live out the passions I have (creativity, nature, juicing) and also things are going much easier now with career shift, work close to home, great colleagues, more time for family. It feels like I’ve just let go of the need to control everything, let my dreams out into the universe and thanked God and the Angels for all the good things in my life! It feels like I’m on a roller coaster because everything goes so fast and without so much struggle and I feel grounded at the same time. So to make a long story short…Thank you Jenn for your fantastic radio show! I just love it. I love your energy. I am so happy the Angels let me to you almost 6 years ago. Love from Marie L
    Marie L

  • Dr. Jenn, I discovered your talk show recently through Iheart radio, although I was just channel surfing I don't think it was accidental that I just happened to stop on your show. I've never had a word to describe how I felt but when I started listening to the show everything you said resonated with me! I just wanted to say Thank You for your wonderful show, meditations and videos they have brought me tremendous comfort and peace!!

  • I just wanted to say to you, I applaud and thank you! I've been really diving into the whole metaphysics world and I've been truely drawn to your show and I've learned a lot with you. I feel like I have that same passion that you have, about angels and metaphysics and you have a gift.....which I obviously love, and your topics definitely resonate with me. You are a blessing. Thank You

  • Dear Jenn, I just heard your radio show today about soul retrieval and you said you would like some feedback. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart with your help. I have listened to your show since 2010 and I resonate a lot with your energy work. I am very sensitive and an empath and you have helped me very well on the way since my spiritual awakening in 2010. At that time my husband and I had serious problems in our relationship and nearly split up despite of two lovely girls. That was when I think my angels led me to your radio show and I think there is not a show I did not hear. I was on your show some years ago and you felt that I had a lot of fear and since then I have worked a lot with Archangel Michael and a lot of the other Archangels and I have a gotten very close to my guardian angels. I work as a cardiologist and use the energy as good as possible when seeing the very sick people – I also feel the souls of the patients who’s life we cannot save in fx. the emergency room. I think it is a gift from you and from heaven and I want to thank you for that :0) I hope to meet you one day in person. – Love from Marie
    - Marie

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Dr Jenn Paints Intuitive Messages on The Dr Pat Show

Dr Jenn Channels Paintings of Intuitive Angel Readings

A Peaceful World Meditation Led by Dr Jenn Royster

Dr Jenn Paints Intuitive Readings on The Dr Pat Show -Sept 29, 2015

Clairvoyance Meditation by Dr Jenn Royster

A Clairaudience Meditation by Dr Jenn Royster

World Healing Meditation with the Angels: A Gobal Event by Dr. Jenn Royster

Live More Radio with Ali Katz