"Thank you for having me on your show. I really enjoyed it and appreciate you having me as a guest. You are a wonderful host and very knowledgeable about everything business and technology." Best wishes - Ian Finn
Ian Finn
"Being a host on Transformation Talk Radio has been a truly life altering experience for me! I am now launched into a role where I interview the most prominent, intelligent, gifted authorities in the world, on all matters related to Lyme Disease, the epidemic illness of our era. To be sharing cutting edge information and inspiration is a gift. To have been positioned into the world of fame and sterling accomplishment is priceless. The entire team on the Dr. Pat Show network are remarkable, helpful, creative folks. I have felt supported, guided and treated with great respect. This is a class act and a rare opportunity to do some ground breaking work, if you put your nose to the grindstone and follow their guidelines. Success is then inevitable!
I am flooded with emails and FB mssgs all week long from listeners chiming in on how much they love it!! YAY!!
What an experience this has been - I am in awe sometimes that I am doing this! Now world famous docs contacting me to come on!!"
Katina Makris - Host
"To tell you the truth, every person I’ve worked with, I have talked with through the network has just been incredibly professional and I just want to thank you so much for your generosity of spirit and your leadership. I love this network. And it is just such a privilege to be a part of it and to be a part the family."
Eve Elite Tarot
"Thank you. Dr. Pat it sounds like a very Positive show. I like the story about the Motel." Love and Light to you all David -UK
"I happened across your radio show this week, and I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of your guests as well as the energy shifts I have felt personally simply by listening. Perhaps it's the fact that I live less than a mile from the KKNW studio. I was particularly moved by the woman who talked about her experiences with Mother Teresa and by Gary Zukav. Both reflect the global and personal transformation and healing perspective I learned a great deal about from one of my primary teachers Buckminster Fuller." - Blessings
"Thank you for having me on your show. I really enjoyed it and appreciate you having me as a guest. You are a wonderful host and very knowledgeable about everything business and technology." Best wishes - Ian Finn
Ian Finn
"Being a host on Transformation Talk Radio has been a truly life altering experience for me! I am now launched into a role where I interview the most prominent, intelligent, gifted authorities in the world, on all matters related to Lyme Disease, the epidemic illness of our era. To be sharing cutting edge information and inspiration is a gift. To have been positioned into the world of fame and sterling accomplishment is priceless. The entire team on the Dr. Pat Show network are remarkable, helpful, creative folks. I have felt supported, guided and treated with great respect. This is a class act and a rare opportunity to do some ground breaking work, if you put your nose to the grindstone and follow their guidelines. Success is then inevitable!
I am flooded with emails and FB mssgs all week long from listeners chiming in on how much they love it!! YAY!!
What an experience this has been - I am in awe sometimes that I am doing this! Now world famous docs contacting me to come on!!"
Katina Makris - Host