health and wellness radio
Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow:  The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose

Hi everybody, welcome to Awareness to Action.  This show is about positivity and believing that anything is possible in a Peaceful Easy Healing way.  This show offers stories from individuals who not only heard and grasped that ‘ah-ha’ moment taking them beyond piquing their interest to catapulting them towards an action that transformed their thinking and the direction of their life bringing them closer to fulfilling their life’s purpose.  You can say they heard with their heart as well as their ears.


With a simple name and storyline change, their stories can be your story.  Take a moment and think about that… close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine what it will feel like when you’re living your life’s purpose, doing what you love to do, happier than you’ve ever been, experiencing more success than you ever allowed yourself to imagine.  Feels great, doesn’t it? 


Or maybe not quite…  maybe you have no idea what your life’s purpose is or maybe you have known forever and just haven’t found the means to get you there or you're frozen in fear of taking it on; maybe you think it’s a pipedream…meant for someone else and not you.  Trust me, I’ve been there, have you?


This show takes you ‘behind the scenes’ of individuals from all those thought categories…this show is here to help you see that anything is possible…and that includes the possibilities that your ‘thoughts, dreams, aspirations’ can come true.  It all starts with Awareness….everything in the world starts with Awareness…that moment when the flutter in your belly comes to life; when words, and more importantly, the delivery of the words takes on a form that’s new and different…that hidden element that ‘catches your ears, your heart, your mind, your soul;’ that moment you ‘see’ yourself there and your very being believes in its heart of hearts that it’s possible to come to fruition.  


That arrival to ‘knowingness’ happens in a split second.  The process that takes place is what I call the 5 A’s of healing or transformation: 


  • Awareness through words or sight that this is possible and you need to know more
  • Acknowledgment of the thought that these words are meant for you and the realization that even though you’ve ‘heard the words’ before,  this time you ‘truly heard’ the words in your soul
  • Acceptance that this is where you need to be in this moment
  • Action is taking whatever steps it takes to make this a reality
  • Along the way, we learn any transformation worth doing has to for me and me alone…We discover our Authenticity, the 5th ‘A.’   


You step away from the self-judgment as well as the judgment of others. You take steps and believe in who you are as courageous and curious; capable and clever. You understand that this is about stepping into your personal power.  This is who you’ve always meant to be and what you’re meant to do.


You might be thinking, ‘this is all well and good, but how the heck do I do this?’  No worries, I’ve got your back…with over 30+ years transforming and enhancing an individual’s health and well-being as an ‘anything is possible’ teacher, manager, and life coach, I’ve come to realize it’s all about Awareness to Action.  I describe Awareness to Action as not only figuring out what this might look like but how to bridge the gap between where you are today and where you want to be for many tomorrows to come.  The bridge-building team of myself and my guests will share insight and examples of tools, techniques, resources, as well as the means to gain and sustain the fortitude to keep trying towards closing the gap.  Probably the most difficult, and most important, step is to sustain and maintain the positive focus to keep trying…keeping that tank of ‘inner reserve’ filled.  I don’t think you’ll hear anyone’s story that didn’t involve unsuccessful attempts, adjustments, revisions …where would we be if Edison stopped at his first lack of success with an incandescent lightbulb…he had 1000 unsuccessful attempts.   


We’ll cheer you on and you’ll experience each of us ‘bridge builders’ supporting your need to practice kind and loving self-care as you work towards creating your best life…because ‘Self-Care IS the Answer.’


So no matter what point of Awareness calls out to you to move forward, that choice will be made and result in an action. That action has consequences and offers another choice… Choosing to face a consequence by being positive, upbeat, open to assistance, patient, thinking ‘I can do this,’ seeking more Awareness if you don’t know what’s next, having fun, celebrating your successes big and small. 


Welcome to my show:  Awareness to Action:  The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose



Joan Marlow host on transformation talk radio

Joan Marlow

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose Hi everybody, welcome to Awareness to Action. This show is about positivity and believi...

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