health and wellness radio
Your Next Chapter Radio with Shelly Ryan: Navigating Through Life's Transitions

Your Next Chapter Radio with Shelly Ryan: Navigating Through Life's Transitions

Shelly’s contagious enthusiasm amazingly makes you want to tackle your transitions and jump to your next chapter! Do you have a major change happening in your life and you don’t even know where to begin? Are you letting fear and anxiety get in the way of your next move? Shelly has been working with people for over a decade from everything from writing books to career changes to simply cleaning out their closets. How? Powerfully and Funnily. Shelly’s creative and powerful approach makes it happen with you by guiding you deliberately, mindfully and purposefully!


Shelly Ryan

Shelly Ryan

Your Next Chapter Radio with Shelly Ryan: Navigating Through Life's TransitionsEvery 4th Monday at 12pm pacific / 3pm easternShelly’s contagious enthusiasm amazingly m...

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness