Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Conscious Meditation? Is that what I have been doing all along?
11/20/2024 09:00 am PDT
Are you someone who just cannot get this meditation thing? Ok breathe , quiet the mind.. let your breath flow in and through you..... Ok You lost me!
Let's take a look at differnt types of Meditation and see which one works for you. Bring a pillow a tea and let's S;eep hahah NO , but that's what usually happens when I try to meditate.
I will also be sharing a disertation " The 14 Amethest Columns.
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- Complimentary 30 minute Soulution Session between Dec 1st 2004 - January 25th 2005
Patricia McNair
Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing 1st & 3rd Wednesday9am PT / 1pm ATL Are you ready to embrace and strengthen your connection ...
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