health and wellness radio
Life Design Radio with Susan De Lorenzo: From Adversity to Awesome: Learning Lessons from Life’s Lemons with guest Linda Carvelli

Life Design Radio with Susan De Lorenzo: From Adversity to Awesome: Learning Lessons from Life’s Lemons with guest Linda Carvelli

  12/26/2018  10:00 am PDT

Linda Carvelli-perfectly negative-transformationtalkradio-Susan DelorenzoAuthor and Life Coach Linda Carvelli joins Susan today to share her come-back story from her memoir Perfectly Negative.


susan de lorenzo life design coaching

Susan De Lorenzo

Life Design Radio with Susan De Lorenzo: From Adversity to Awesome   After more than 20 years in the financial industry, Susan answered a deep calling to reach others...

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Linda Carvelli-Susan-DeLorenzo-transformationtalkradio

Linda Carvelli

After nearly twenty five years in corporate America and a series of life-altering events, Linda discovered her own resiliency and knew she needed to inspire others to unlock...

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